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The USA Pay Network is being built to deliver a simple and secure new way to privately pay, hold assets and grow and preserve wealth. The USA Pay app will enable users to earn 2-20% cash or USA coins back and redeem offers to save 5-50% at hundreds of thousands online stores and retail shops nationwide. We plan on launching first in America and then opening up our network to all the world soon after.


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Randy Smith
Founder and CEO

In 1994-95 Randy, with his younger brother, founded and launched Good2Go Restaurant Delivery. This company was just like GrubHub, minus the Internet. We were the premier delivery service for Ruby's Diner, Black Angus and Acapulco's Mexican Restaurant. This company was Randy's first tech startup. It led him into the payments space.

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Randy began his work innovating in the payments space way back in 1996 when retail gift cards were just being introduced, loyalty cards were everywhere and only 20 million Americans were online. With the clutter of carrying several payment, gift and loyalty cards and merchants paying a high cost for both payments and advertising, Randy envisioned building a retail payment and advertising network where merchants could drastically reduce their costs.

In the past 20 years, Randy has invented solutions to prevent Identity Theft and bankcard transaction fraud, a Universal Payment Card linked to a Cloud Wallet, a mobile payments solution requiring no NFC in POS or phone or new hardware or software at Point of Sale to process payments, a media site covering the future of mobile commerce, a payments app designed to raise funds for Good Causes. In September of 2010 Randy's company MobilePayUSA won TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Alley SF.

Randy is a happily married and a father. He enjoys hiking in mountains, playing at the beach, coaching volleyball, biking, stream fishing and swimming on vacations and is an avid sports fan.. Randy accepted Jesus as Savior in Spring of 1986 and went on several short term mission trips in the late 80's and early 90's to Mexicali during Spring Break and to Germany and Ukraine months after the Wall came down and the Soviet Union broke apart. Randy is a devout Patriot with love for freedom, liberty and our Constitutional rights as granted by God. Randy graduated from Asuza Pacifc University in 1991 with a degree in Business Administration. Randy played line backer and fullback on the football team and was 3-year starter as middle hitter for the volleyball team at APU. He hates being relatively old now and misses running and jumping. :)

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Former President
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Bryant Haines
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Bryant brings over twenty-five years experience leading enterprise initiatives in both the public and private sectors. His portfolio includes work with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Department of Treasury, Department of Defense and NASA. He has built and led engineering and technology teams serving clients across the United States and utilizing global team members. Bryant is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, a past member of the U.S. Congressional Business Advisory Council, and holds active memberships with IEEE and the International Council on Systems Engineering. He has also been awarded the Congressional Medal of Distinction for my contributions on military initiatives.

Bryant spent over twelve years as the CEO of Kinetic IT Systems, a technology consulting firm he founded. He has held a Department of Defense Top Secret clearance. He is certified in multiple IBM i2 intelligence analytics and A.I. solutions, and has developed and deployed artificial intelligence solutions for the US Drug Enforcement Agency, FBI, US Army, and US Special Operations Command, in addition to Bank of America and a leading commercial sign manufacturer. He led the sole integration between IBM’s Enterprise Insight Analysis and Watson Explorer A.I. He has led over $165M in savings and been a key contributor on over $400M in revenues. He has built multiple high performance teams, and been recognized as a leader of people and a pioneer in technology.

His roles typically range from innovation executive to strategic leader to project manager to systems engineer. Bryant is married to Rebecca (Hatfield) Haines, and together they have eleven children ranging from nine to 28. He is an avid primitive camper and enjoys working in his shop. 

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42K+ Followers
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Gentry Gevers
Marketing Advisor
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Gentry Gevers is a social media influencer and marketing consultant. Since 2020, his content has gained 10's of millions of views across all social media platforms. He is passionate about fighting censorship, tyranny, and Making America Great Again.

Join Our Team

The USA Pay Network team is now being assembled. We are soon to start building a world-class payments and marketing platform to power the Free/Parallel Economy.


If you are fully behind our company mission and objectives and have talents to help us acheive our goals, then reach out to us to discuss partnering.

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